Productos de Elaboración Propia

Sabor Alemán – Deutsche Küche in Marbella

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German Food

in the heart of Marbella

We are pleased to offer our customers delicious and authentic German food, created with home-made products, without preservatives or colorings.

Each meal we make is unique, making our products as our mothers and grandmothers used to do. For the sausages we follow the ancient tradition and recipe of Thuringa.

We guarantee that if you come to try it you will not be disappointed.


Speciality of the House

Try our delicious Viennese schnitzel and combine it with different sides.

To the menu

Starting € 15,90

Seasonal dishes


You can taste different dishes depending on the season of the year in which we are.
For example in summer: fresh dishes from xxx
In winter: xxx
In festive moments xxx

Find out what we have today

Take away products

All homemade

Try our delicious Sausages, Patés, Butters, Soups, Chili con carne and much more.

Everything is packaged in individual servings.

Home delivery is completely free.


You are hosting a party?

We prepare a German buffet to serve at home. Ask us for options.
We make it easy for you to plan your parties or events.

We can prepare our different dishes to serve and enjoy a German buffet at home.

Ask us for options.

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